Although now a celebrity in her own right, actress Lynn Redgrave knows the difficulties of living in the shadow of her famous older sister 虽然女演员琳恩·雷德格雷夫现在依靠自己的能力出了名,但她明白生活在大名鼎鼎的姐姐的阴影里有多不容易。
Their baby is a person in his own right. 他们的宝宝是个很独立的人。
He argues that murderers forfeit their own right to life. 他辩称杀人犯本身已经丧失了生存的权利。
These are marketable skills and will allow these women to be professional therapists in their own right. 这些技能符合市场需求,这样就能让这些女人凭借自身能力成为专业治疗师。
Web application security is an enormous topic in its own right and outside the scope of this article. Web应用程序安全性本身就是一个很广泛的主题,超出了本文的讨论范围。
Ideally, each service deserves a paper in its own right, but we only provide an overview here. 理想的情况是每个服务都专门写一页来进行描述其权利,但是我们这里只提供了概述。
Each man has his own right proper to him and he is forbidden to violate the rights of others. 每个人都有其固有的权利,任何人不得侵犯他人的权利。
Cost is an important but complex issue in its own right. 成本本身是个重要而复杂的问题。
That question is a new risk factor in its own right. 这个问题本身就是一个新的风险因素。
Some go on to be investors and mentors in their own right. 其中一些人,进而也成为有着自己风格的投资者和导师。
She's a rich woman in her own right rather than by inheritance. 她是凭她自己而非通过继承而成为一个富有的女人。
He had emerged as a leader in his own right. 他全靠自己当上了领导人。
They kept control over their own money and could own slaves and run businesses in their own right. 她们还可以自由支配自己的钱财,可以拥有自己的奴隶,经营自己的生意。
The wife of a duke or a woman holding ducal title in her own right. 大公爵的大公爵或大公爵领地的或与之有关的公爵的妻子或自身有公爵头衔的妇女。
These projects in their own right set a demanding time table for the IASB and the FASB. 基于这些项目自身,IASB和FASB也制定了相应的时间表。
Exists in its own right. 存在于它自己的权利中。
They are not just a flock but individual sheep, each one special in its own right. 它们不单是一群羊,且是个别的羊,每只羊本身皆有其独特之处。
Her father's a well-known author, but she's an excellent writer in her own right. 她父亲是位名作家,但是她完全是凭自己的实力而成为一个优秀作家的。
She will have to rein in her husband, a global statesman in his own right. 她将不得不控制她凭借自身条件成为全球政治家的丈夫。
Few people in finance or working hard in other jobs really worship money in its own right. 在金融行业或其他工作岗位上辛勤劳作的人们,很少会真正崇拜金钱本身。
No, not the Warrior Princess, but still perhaps a superhero in her own right. 不,她不是勇士公主。可是,也许对她来讲仍不失为一个超级英雄。
She's a millionaire in her own right. 她凭借自身实力就是个百万富翁。
I know you are a pianist in your own right. 我知道你天生一位钢琴家。
Capture-replay tools generate a lot of code that can become a project on its own right. 捕获&重放工具会生成大量代码,这些代码本身就足以成为一个项目了。
Changes to a property that have acquired historic significance in their own right will be retained and preserved. 历史建筑的变化反映了此建筑物的历史经历,具有历史重要性,应当被保持和保护。
We respect each other's privacy and our own right never to be hurt or abused. 我们尊重彼此的隐私,保护自己的权利不被伤害或滥用。
We're not a bad side in our own right but he's the best we've played against. 我们已经做得很好了,但是他是我们遇到的最强的对手。
Example: You should not look over my shoulder, I have my own right. 你不该监视我,我有我自己的权利。
All three games are fantastic in their own right, and all three are brimming with personality. 所有三场比赛很有趣,在自己的权利,所有三个与充满个性。
This is pleasurable in its own right, not just as foreplay. 这些动作本身也很令人愉悦,而不仅仅只是性爱的前戏。